Independent Living vs Assisted Living

Couple with dog on couch

There are several types of communities that fall under the umbrella of ‘senior living’ and each has its advantages, and disadvantages, so it’s important to do your research and learn how each type of community differs from the other, and most importantly… which type will best benefit you. Learn more today about the differences between Independent Living and Assisted Living!

Reducing Loneliness During the Holidays

Reducing Loneliness During the Holidays

The holiday season is a special time of year in which people around the globe take time to celebrate and give thanks, and of course, spend quality time with loved ones. It’s a season that is full to the brim with special days for those of various faiths, parties, gatherings and so much delicious food […]

6 Signs to Watch for in Aging Family Members This Holiday Season

holidays with an aging parent

Put on those flannel pjs. Throw a log on the fire. Bake a batch of Christmas cookies. Then gather the family around and let the sing-alongs begin! The holiday season is finally here, that fun and fabulous time of which we’ve been waiting all year! It’s a time to celebrate, a time to rejuvenate, and […]

Dementia During The Holidays

dementia during the holidays

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Seniors in Memory Care When a brisk winter chill is in the air, and pumpkin spice is practically everywhere, you know it’s got to be that special time of year — the holidays. Yes, we love fall, pulling out our favorite fleece pajamas, putting a log on the fire, […]

Patriot Angels: Senior Living Benefits for Veterans

patriot angels

Celebrating Veterans: A Salute to America’s Best Honor and service — two words that embody the spirit of America’s best: the men and women of the US Armed Forces. It is, without question, an honor to serve one’s country, so as we prepare to celebrate the distinguished members of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, […]

How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in Austin Texas?

how much does assisted living cost in austin texas

Unlocking The Pavilion at Great Hills Advantage! Texas is big. In fact, we’ve got a reputation for being big, in everything we do. It’s in our swagger, in our Stetsons, our ranches, and in our wide-open country and traditions. As Texans, we’re proud of what we’ve made our great state into, and our expectation for […]

Signs of Memory Loss

signs of memory loss

Memory Care: Watching for Signs of Memory Loss As we grow older, minor signs of memory loss is often a part of our normal aging process. “Where are my glasses?” your uncle exclaims at the dinner table, as the whole family looks at the glasses sitting atop his head. “What’s the name of that actor, […]